Historic Macon Foundation
Historic Macon Foundation became the regional leader in historic preservation on July 31, 2003 with the merger of the Middle Georgia Historical Society and the Macon Heritage Foundation. The merged organization inherits the missions and activities of both constituent groups. Since 1964, we have been the region’s preservation organization of note. The goal of the merger was to create a stronger, more efficient and effective voice for historic preservation in Middle Georgia. We educate the greater Macon community about its history and historic preservation; preserve and restore historic buildings, and sites and neighborhoods. The bricks and mortar activities of the Macon Heritage Foundation are preserved through continued efforts in neighborhood and downtown revitalization. The educational mission of the two founding organizations merged and promote such programs as the Oral History Project, Backroads Rambles, lectures, and trips. Today, Historic Macon strives to be the premier preservation organization in the nation.
Join us for our annual Flea Market Preview Party on October 4th. There are 3 levels of tickets to choose from: VIP ($100), general admission ($50) and HMF members ($35). The VIP tickets include early-bird shopping before anyone else, beginning at 5 p.m, champagne and all the Preview Party fun. The General Admission tickets include shopping starting at 6 p.m. and all of the Preview Party fun. HMF member tickets include the same benefits as the general admission but they receive a discounted price. Become a member today and get your discounted ticket!
The following two flea market days on Saturday and Sunday are open to the general PUBLIC for FREE.
The Preview Party includes shopping, the Varsity food truck, beer provided by Fall Line Brewery and a wine tent provided by Macon Magazine.
The Flea Market is free to enter on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 5-6.
Saturday Hours: 8AM- 4PM
Sunday:12PM - 4PM
The Flea Market is our biggest fund-raiser of the year, so please help us spread the word. And remember: HMF members get 15% off their purchases, so join our preservation family today. Thank you for your support!
Find the market at 357 Oglethorpe St, Macon, GA 31201-3274, United States
Join Historic Macon and Rose Hill Preservation and Restoration, Inc. for a guided walking tour of Rose Hill Cemetery!
This year, we are pleased to offer TWO opportunities to participate in our most popular educational event of the year. Local historians Kathleen O'Neal and Jim Barfield will both be leading tours on October 27th. Kathleen's tour will begin at 9am, and Jim's tour will begin at 2pm.
Please be sure to wear comfortable shoes, sun protection, and bring a bottle of water with you for this 1.5 hour walking tour. We will be walking along a paved route, but please be mindful that Rose Hill has big elevation changes and the paved roads are not always perfectly smooth.
Looking forward to seeing you there!