When Will the Cherry Trees Bloom
Every March, anticipation fills the air as over one hundred thousand Yoshino cherry trees are preparing to bloom.
We’ve compiled some key information on what influences the area’s Cherry Trees to bloom and what you can expect this year!

Statistically, the average peak bloom date for Macon is March 23. This data comes from none other than William A. Fickling Sr.., who first began to propagate Yoshino cherry trees in the 1950s and kept a log of bloom periods in Macon for over ten years but this can change depending on a few key factors.

Cherry trees need a minimum number of chill hours to bloom during their average peak in the region and sometimes milder winter weather can cause the trees to take a little longer before opening up. Other trees that follow this same pattern include one of Georgia's most well-known: the peach tree. Despite many of us wanting warmer weather, for the cherry trees' sake, we may need to hope for chillier weather leading up to March.

You may notice on your walk downtown that the cherry trees look nowhere near close to blooming but strangely the trees planted in North Macon near Wesleyan Woods are already showing off their blossoms. This is in part due to several microclimates in various areas of Macon. The city's climate is unique as it is bisected by the Fall Line and depending on where they are located, there will be a few days of bloom variation.

Another aspect that must be considered is the age of the trees: simply, the younger the tree, the earlier it typically blooms. After the tree begins to bloom, the length can range from 7 to 10 days while others can hang on for as long as two weeks! Pests, diseases, and harsh storms can all threaten the longevity of the bloom period as well.

For the 2024 bloom season, The International Cherry Blossom Festival shares "as with all things Mother Nature, she is difficult to predict. Mr. Fickling has provided a guide for when to expect the blooms:
- If we have a moderate winter followed by a moderate spring, then they will peak around the 23rd – this is the most common weather pattern for Macon
- If winter is cold followed by a cold spring, we can expect a late bloom
- If the winter is cold, followed by a warm spring, then we expect an early bloom
- If winter is mild followed by a cold spring then we can expect a late bloom
- If the winter is mild followed by a mild spring, then we can expect an irregular/late bloom as we saw this past year."