Convention Services
The convention sales team at Visit Macon is dedicated to making planners' jobs easier and events more successful.
Our Services:
- Arrange hotel room blocks
- Bid Presentations
- Package hotels and meeting space for city-wide meetings
- Registration assistance
- Media connections
- Entertainment suggestions
- Event Ideas
- Tour itineraries
- Service project listings and introductions
- "Show Your Badge" discount program for local attendees
- Restaurant and attraction information
- Downloadable map
- Welcome letters and/or greeting from local dignitaries
- Housing Bureau Assistance
- Information Specialists
Visit Macon Convention and Meeting Sponsorship Form Application
The Visit Macon Sponsorship Program is designed to help create, attract, and grow high-quality conventions, meetings, and events that stimulate the Visit Macon economy through increased visitor spending and advancing the quality of life for our residents. The Sponsorship Program has been designed to encourage local, state, regional, and national organizations to create, attract, and grow events in Macon, Georgia by assisting with start-up expenses. All sponsorship awards will be made subject to availability and must be used for events within the fiscal year. Sponsorship money can only be used to help offset bid fees, facility/site costs, municipal services, or a detailed marketing plan to attract potential out-of-town participants. A maximum of $3,500 can be awarded per event. Events must take place within Macon-Bibb County to be considered for funding.
To find out more about qualifying, please fill out the information below and send it to Director of Sales, Charlotte Moody at cmoody@visitmacon.org