Oct 25
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Macon Macabre and the Macon Beyond: The Hunt
Following this special Rock Candy Tours’ Macon Macabre Walking Tour, stay behind at the final stop of the tour located at The Bohemian Den, 502 Cherry Street (formerly the site of Ralston Hall which was consumed by a fire in 1886, currently the Newberry Building)! This special ‘after-hours adventure’ with “Macon Beyond” host Carrie Genzel – and some paranormal investigator friends – will dive deep into tips, technology, stories of the paranormal and a chance to investigate activity at this location where a pesky poltergeist has been known to tease and play games! Tickets will be available beginning September 5th at visitmacon.org. Only a limited number of spots will be available!